Cookery lessons began in earnest this week. I can now make a
“Light Soup” (I’m still not sure why it is light) and have assisted in the
amazing chemistry involved in producing Konkonte which is a poor man’s TZ, also
known as “Face the wall” ( and I’m not convinced anyone knows why!) It is made
with Corn dough which is white & partly fermented. You heat it with water
until boiling and fluid and then the exciting part………….it swells up into a
massive ball when you pour in the cassava flour and needs a lot of beating to
keep it lump free.

Well you can imagine what a mess mine looked before Louisa
gave it some “elbow grease”. No wonder Ghanaian women are so fit. Cooking
staple foods is very hard work and involves long periods of pounding, beating
and stirring. This is good exercise for me so I shall continue with the
training. I’m determined to reach Level 2 before Easter.

Friday saw my first efforts at Fufu pounding! This is small
scale at Level 1 but I’m assured by Louisa, my coach, that I shall progress to
a standing position with two hands round a much longer pestle and a deeper,
wider mortar. (I don’t want any unseemly comments about this, thank you. This
is a serious stage in my Ghanaian induction……..better late than never!)
Again, it’s all about getting the lumps out. I was really
working hard at this and making virtually no impression on the white mass of
cassava and yam in the mortar. When the expert took over it was incredible and much
more like a creative art form than cookery.
( I expect a top chef would argue
they are the same.) The timing of turning the ball between bashes with the
pestle is crucial as you can tell by looking at some people’s permanently
damaged finger nails. To do this
in pairs involves massive trust in the teamwork. Hitting your own fingers is one thing but crushing a friends knuckles would be hard to live with.
It tasted wonderful, like very, very smooth elastic mashed
potato and we ate pork, not dog, with it this week!

By the way, it was the football tournament this week. These are the winners from Nadowli RC Primary A School in their new kit with their coach, Denis. This is another very serious business! Congratulations to them and good luck in the District Tournament. The ball, which doesn't feature here, was kindly donated by South Cave CE Primary School. A trophy is on its way here too!
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