I have been in school most of the last few weeks helping
with exam marking and collating results. It has been a busy time. In amongst it
all, the Ghanaian people have lost their President of the last 3 years. John
Atta Mills passed away during this last week. There was a more sombre mood
around Nadowli and the music played was of a more funereal tone than is usually
heard coming from people’s houses. However, I have noticed little reaction to
the news and as usual, up here, life continues much the same.
I have been typing the Education Service Comprehensive
Inspection Report Form which amounts to some 15 pages of criteria. Usually the officers
hand write it laboriously and then the typists type it all laboriously! Now
they have a version that can be printed and the gaps filled with data. Typists can
also fill spaces in the electronic version. This is all to save time. However,
I sometimes wonder whether they need these long tasks to fill their hours! The
form interested me particularly, in that the reference to gathering performance
data from schools is mentioned briefly in Section 25.8. Before that come
sections dedicated to the number of text books, school desks and urinals. There
is an optional opportunity for Inspectors to observe lessons and, reassuringly,
the monitoring of daily lesson notes is deemed of great importance.
I presented prizes, on the last day, to pupils with the
highest attendance this year and those who attained the best exam results. This
was a serious business and none of them smiled as they received pens and
exercise books. Evidently, some of them will not reach the classroom as the
children may choose to sell them.