Within the novel “Ama”, I read a story told amongst the
slaves along their journey south to the coast of Ghana.
In the beginning, Onyame, creator of all things, selected 3
black men and 3 white men and gave each a wife. They were shown a large clay
pot and a piece of paper and told each group should choose one. Lots were drawn
and the black men won. They considered the options carefully.
The pot must hold something of good use and it was large.
The piece of paper could not possibly be of much value to them. Eventually,
they chose the pot. Once they examined the contents, they discovered some iron
and a small piece of gold.
The white men were left with the sheet of paper on which was
written “everything they ever needed to know”.
Onyame gave this country to the blacks and took the whites
to the great water in the south. He taught them to fell trees and build a boat.
He directed them to a country far away and they set sail.
Years later, descendents of the white people returned with
goods to exchange for gold, mined here in Ghana, and slaves. (The paper had
shown them how to make things)
Some of the captured slaves asked what the white people were
like. The answer was that they are very tall and ugly. It hurts your eyes to
look at them and if you look for too long you will surely be blinded!
Often, around here I see adults talking to their children
about me. The children are sometimes visibly frightened. Then the adults laugh and
explain that they tell their children, if they don’t do what they say the white
woman will take them away! Fortunately, this doesn’t occur with all of them. I
am not aware that I have ever before, knowingly, frightened a child. What a shame it
should happen here and through no fault of my own. Last week having spent some
time with a couple of 3 year olds, one told the other, in Dagaare, “I don’t
fear the Nansapor (white woman), any more”. Thank God. I am working on them individually
and in small groups to try and dispel this horrifying myth.